Starchild Activation

Live Webinar and Activation with Mia Kafkios

Price: 24EUR

Time: 8PM CET
Duration: 60-75 mins

This webinar is for EVERYONE that wants to support the starchildren on our planet, regardless if you have your “own” children or not. And for you that have children, you can come alone as a parent or do it together with your child. Below is more information.

The time has come for us to TRULY assist with the ascension on this planet. This is a webinar for both of you who have children but also for you who want to assist and anchor in a lot of light to this important work.

The star children of this time need our assistance NOW! They need our help to wake up, to remember, and to go through an easier process than we did. They need protection and assistance from us, their guides, and their cosmic/galactic families. The children of our time are here to assist our planet with their gifts on a much higher level than we yet can understand. It is time we invite them into our work as the real shift on this planet can only happen through THE children.

In this webinar, I will be talking about what we can do as parents and adults to assist our children energetically and then we will move into an activation that your child can either participate in live on the webinar or listen to afterwards. This will be an activation for your child to do, to receive codes of remembrance, and to balance and stabilize its energetic field whenever needed. Whether or not you have grown-up children, you might want to assist energetically with this important work.

As a parent, you are the guardian and spiritual steward of the soul that is your child, whether biological or adopted. In the pre-birth process, the souls of a child have been attracted to the genetic lineage of their parents and have chosen them for spiritual purposes and consciousness lessons. Every human being has a soul blueprint that was designed for that soul to help guide them to achieve the life lessons and consciousness experiences they want or need in their current lifetime.

As a parent, you are a spiritual steward of your child until the age of 21 and have every right to command their space as protected under the natural laws you set forth from parental love and concern. As parents, we must be discerning to not abuse parental power by being overly protective, yet we must take steps to educate our children to gain an empowered stance towards all different energies on this planet.

My guides and many of my galactic and cosmic connections were very clear about the importance of this work. It is time to bring forth our children. They are the game-changers. It doesn’t matter if you can’t attend live. When you have booked a spot, you will automatically receive the replay in your email the day after. This activation can be used as often as the child needs assistance to balance its energetic field. It’s also okay that you or your child is new to the spiritual path. If you feel a deep inner calling to attend, please follow that guidance, as you and your child will only receive the frequencies you are ready for.

A PDF for the energetic protection routine will be sent out after the webinar together with the recording.

I am deeply honored to walk with you all!
The new cycle is here.
This is where it all starts!

In deep love and gratitude,



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about your teacher

Mia Kafkios has been an energy therapist and healer for over 28 years and has been educating and activating therapists, healers, channelers and spiritual coaches for over 10 years.

She has been travelling all over the world, presenting at workshops, congresses and retreats, assisting souls to activate their true essence and remember who they are.

Mia will activate your soul to wake up, helping you remember your gifts and mission in this lifetime.

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