
Lion's Gate 2024


Ticket Price:

Dates: 25 July - 29 August, 2024

60-75 Minutes

1. Access to three (3) portal activations happening on July 25th, August 8th, and August 29th
2. Three (3) Light Codes, one to assist in each portal
3. A playlist after each activation
4. Lion’s Gate Prayer Activation

You can either join us live for the session or do the replay. Both are equally powerful.

Beloved soul tribe!

We will be having a series of three webinars for the Lion’s Gate Portal! Time for an acceleration of our ascension, manifestation capacity, and soul mission – which are the 3 portals of Lion’s Gate 2024.

From July 26 to August 12, a powerful energy will be moving into our field, helping us to ascend to higher states of awareness, consciousness, and manifestation.

My guides have asked me to facilitate three parts of the Lionsgate portal this year, in unity together with you all for the most powerful and enjoyable experience! Lions Gate 2024 will be off the chart! Working in 3 levels, using the energies of the 3 portals will assist us into a much higher state of consciousness and acceleration of our ascension!

Portal 1: Opening & Preparation
We will prepare our Lightbodies for the opening of the Lion’s Gate together on the 25th of July (you may join the live session or watch the replay)! This activation will assist our Lightbody, our field, and our multidimensional Consciousness to be fully opened and prepared to receive all the codes coming in during this powerful period.

Portal 2: Receiving the Powerful Codes 
You will receive a prerecorded powerful activation to perform on the specific day of Lionsgate, August 8 for a a full-on activation of the codes of this life-changing day. This activation will be sent to you as a recording and you do it when it best suited for you on the 8th of August. (Can also be done after the 8th).


Portal 3: Integration, Activation, and Upgrades
After the portal closes, we will come together on the 29th (you may join the live session or watch the replay) to integrate, activate, and upgrade all the powerful codes that have been transmitted to us during this period. This is probably the most important one, to really move up to the highest dimension accessible for our Consciousness level.


It doesn’t matter where you are on your ascension journey. You will receive exactly what is in the highest for your soul.

If you feel this resonates with you and you feel the calling to do this Lion’s Gate portal extraordinary, this is a beautiful opportunity! Let’s unite the beloved soul tribe and make the most powerful shift together!




Click the button below to pay via Stripe (Credit Card) or PayPal.

Due to some updates in our payment system, you will need to log-in first in order to purchase a ticket. This helps us keep track of who will get access to the replays and/or exclusive content after the event has concluded.

If you forgot your credentials, you may click here to reset your password.

If you don’t have an account yet, simply fill out the payment form with your email address and preferred password that you can use to log in moving forward.


Kindly refrain from using your company email when purchasing your ticket as some companies block non work-related emails, and may lead you to not receiving your ticket.

You can enter your preferred password and email address during the checkout process. After that, you have the option of paying with your card or via PayPal. Finally, click “Purchase Ticket” after entering your payment information, and your purchase will be completed.

We’re currently in the process of creating a replay portal for all purchased webinars.

Depending on the settings of your email, sometimes the ticket goes to spam/ promotions folder.

If 24 hours have passed and you still haven’t received your email, please send an email to connect@miakafkios.com

Please click the link and fill out the form: JOIN OUR NEWSLETTER

about your teacher

Mia Kafkios has been an energy therapist and healer for over 28 years and has been educating and activating therapists, healers, channelers and spiritual coaches for over 10 years.

She has been travelling all over the world, presenting at workshops, congresses and retreats, assisting souls to activate their true essence and remember who they are.

Mia will activate your soul to wake up, helping you remember your gifts and mission in this lifetime.

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