Heal & Activate Your Egyptian Timelines
Live Webinar and Activation with Mia Kafkios

Price: 24EUR

Time: 8PM CET
Duration: 60-75 mins
After Lions Gate 2023, 8th of August, there will be a powerful period to retrieve lost memories, codes, and information from our Egyptian timelines.
Our lifetimes in Egypt are very significant to our mission and ascension on Earth right now. My guides and family of light are very clear about how important codes are hidden in these timelines and that we both have healing and activations waiting for us from our past incantations in Egypt.
The information I have received so far is that this webinar will assist our light body in moving from the First Harmonic Universe in 1D-2D-3D (which is where the personality matrix exists in 3 layers) and ascend our light body into the Second Harmonic Universe in 4D-5D-6D (that holds the Soul Matrix). Moving our personal frequency & consciousness to the next level!
Activating our codes from our ORGANIC EGYPTIAN Seraphim avian timelines and clearing the distortion of the Annunaki INORGANIC timelines that interferes with the retrieval of our soul gifts and purpose of this lifetime.

There are crucial codes and energetic information for us to retrieve since the Melchizedek Order tried to assist the Egyptians back into the practices of the Law of One teaching that had been lost due to several Annunaki dark attacks in these timelines.
All of this is a big puzzle piece of the coming ascension journey here on earth and we need to gather as a soul tribe to do this work for our individual mission but most of all for the collective ascension of this planet.
You don’t need to understand it all as you read this now, you just need to feel a deep calling within you to do this powerful energy work.
There are codes and information about our gifts and next steps on our mission ready to be accessed, in the walls of the pyramids.
All is leveling up now beloved soul tribe. We are being asked to assist ourselves and this planet on completely new levels.
If you miss the live event it doesn’t matter, as you always get the replay the day after the webinar so you can redo it as often as you feel guided to.
This is a game-changer, beloved soul tribe!
In love and reverence,

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about your teacher

Mia Kafkios has been an energy therapist and healer for over 28 years and has been educating and activating therapists, healers, channelers and spiritual coaches for over 10 years.
She has been travelling all over the world, presenting at workshops, congresses and retreats, assisting souls to activate their true essence and remember who they are.
Mia will activate your soul to wake up, helping you remember your gifts and mission in this lifetime.