How to raise your
consciousness levels


Our soul is craving more time in our everyday life at the moment and that is not only because we want more freedom and more fun. There is actually a crucial part of our awakening to MAKE more time and space for our consciousness to shift to higher states as often as possible!


That old pattern opens negative portals and can allow lower mind frequencies to enter which blocks us from our highest possible state of consciousness! We have higher states AVAILABLE for us NOW!

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Let me explain more:

Everything we think and feel is a type of energy. Just like energy can change forms, our consciousness can also change.

Important is to notice the thought, that not all consciousness is the same. Think of it as different types of materials used to create things.

Some materials are better quality than others. In the same way, our thoughts and intentions can be of different qualities.

We can focus our thoughts and energy on selfish goals (ego) or on goals that are good for us and others (higher self).

The better the quality of our thoughts and the more positive our intentions, the better the outcomes we can create.

To make really good things happen, we need to focus on high-quality thoughts and positive intentions. We also need to keep our focus on these good thoughts and intentions to give them the energy they need to grow and become real.

This takes practice and patience, like keeping your eye on the prize and not giving up, even when it’s tough. This focus is part of what each of us is here to do, our personal mission during our life!!! However, we live in a world where there are a lot of negative influences that can distract us or lead us in the wrong direction.

These negative forces can mess up our good intentions if we’re not careful. To make sure we stay on track, we need to be mentally and emotionally strong, able to keep our focus, and not act impulsively. We also need to be good at telling apart what is helpful and what is harmful, so we don’t get tricked into using our energy in the wrong way. Especially since many of us are really stepping into our power now.

This is why we need enough time to keep moving to a witnessing state of our everyday choices as they come from a certain intention. There we need to have pause in between all we do.


Currently, our universe is going through changes that affect these energy levels, improving what can be created in the future.

This energy exists across many dimensions and even beyond time in higher states. As we connect with higher levels of this energy, we become smarter and more aware, which changes how well we can turn our intentions into reality.

For example, when we tap into our Soul, or even higher aspects of our consciousness like the Monad Oversoul we are accessing very refined and powerful levels of this energy.


The controllers want to trap us into looping into past stories, victimhood, and everyday struggle energy through all their streaming & programming so we stay attached to our ego personality (read fear and poverty consciousness). But the time is here for us to live every day in harmony and peace feeling great trust that we have ENOUGH time to all we “must” do so we have our awareness fully connected with spirit as near 100% of the time. Feeling personal security & safety to do this inner transformation of old patterns!

When you need to rest, REST. When you need to go out in nature, go to nature. When you need to meditate & pray, do that. Nothing is more important than being in that energetic state. Once we have connected, we can go out in the world and “do” all we need to do and we will be much more effective.

First things first and a strong devotion to changing any old enslavement programs running consciously & subconsciously in our field will set us FREE every day and we will be operating from our monastic self all the way up to the Godhead.

More space for YOU & GOD = FREEDOM & HIGHEST ENERGETIC VIBRATION = manifesting new earth.

I love you all

Much love, 



I am launching The Self-Mastery Template, a monthly portal subscription that’s full of opportunities for our collective consciousness to expand. More information here.

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